Fr. Mag. Varghese "Georg" Thaniyath


Fr. Mag. Varghese "Georg" Thaniyath is Chairman of the board.

Varghese was born in 1959 in Kerala in India. After his studies in theology in Austria he returned to India and worked as a pastor. During this time he was permanently confronted with extensive poverty and people living under inhumane conditions in huts. One day this spontaneously sparked the idea of founding a non-profit organization to support these people. After returning to Austria to serve as a priest he put his ideas into action along with the help of generous and likeminded people. He founded the organization Dach überm Kopf.

It is a pleasure for him to travel back to India every year and consecrate the newly built houses as well as witness the progress and achievements of his non-profit organization Dach überm Kopf. He continues to be amazed by how hard and dedicated the volunteers work to help Dach überm Kopf's vision become a reality. To begin with, his brothers are all heading the partner organization Fr. Varghese Thaniyath Charitable Trust leading the way. Witnessing all this is one of the biggest incentives for him to continue his work to help impoverished people.